Administrative offices for the City of Encinal are now open and will resume normal business hours and operations:
Monday - Friday 8am - 5pm
Trash pick-up days: Tuesday & Friday's starting @7am. We ask that your trash is bagged, out and ready for pick-up. Thank you!!

Mayor Esmeralda Arce 2023 - Present
Professional Services
Ashley V. Eddington
City Accountant/Consultant
BBA Accounting UTSA
Member of Government Financial Officer Association (GFOA)
Juan B. Caballero
City Attorney
Hector R. Cortez
Municipal Court Judge

Irma Arizola Councilwoman
​​Debra Weikel
Gilbert Inocencio
Oscar Aldaco
The City Council continues to seek opportunities to increase the City’s sales tax revenue by working with Mayor Sylvano Sanchez and City Staff to attract new business to our community. We also continue to support our existing businesses by sharing information on services and by providing educational programs to help them succeed.
The city has adopted and operates under the manager-council form of government. Pursuant to its provisions and subject only to the limitations imposed by the State Constitution, all powers of the City shall be vested in an elective council which shall enact local legislation, adopt budgets, determine policies and appoint the City Manager-Administrator who shall execute the laws and administer the government of the City. All powers of the City shall be exercised prescribed by City Council then in such manner as may be prescribed by ordinance.
Philosophy: "Don't Lose the Forest for the Tree's"

Linda Ramirez Victoria Rodriguez
Municipal Court Clerk Permits & Code Enforcement Clerk
Email: encinal.municipal@yahoo.com Email: vicky.encinal@yahoo.com
956-948-5226 ext. 101 956-948-5226 ext. 100
Public Works Staff
Joshua Grant
Raul Medina
Rolando Parra
Trash pick-up days!
Monday & Friday --- Starting @ 7:00 am
If your trash is not out on the designated trash days, your trash will be picked up.

Over the years, our city has become the Hub for transient population that work in the oilfield and/or transporting goods through our city. We have earned our reputation through hard work, uncompromising precision and constant learning and adapting. The city has been able to attract two major truck stops that have had a great impact in our city and we continue to attract other retail locations to our area.
History in a Pecan Shell:
There had been a small community called Ancaster near or on the land that is now known as Encinal. About the time the International-Great Northern Railroad came through in the early 1880s - there was a stop called Burro. Encinal is Spanish for Oak Grove and this name was submitted for a post office (which was granted) in 1883.
After the railroad came to town - it became a shipping point for sheep and cattle. The first school was established in 1886 and the population was a healthy 900 by 1890. In 1931 the town had three public schools with a total of 363 students.
In 1933 Encinal had a population of 800 and it stayed about the same through the 1940s. After the war the population drifted away until there were only 650 people living there. By 1949 it had dropped to only 300.
Natural gas had been discovered in the area in the 70s. Encinal has doubled its population from 300 people in 1980 to over 600 in 1990.
Source:Wikipedia: http://www.texasescapes.com/SouthTexasTowns/EncinalTexas/EncinalTexas.htm
For any inquiries or questions, please call: 956-948-5226 or fill out the following form
Head Office
701 Berry Street
P.O. Box 120
Encinal, Texas 78019
Tel: 956-948-5226
Fax: 956-948-5571
To apply for a job with City of Encinal, please send a cover letter together with your resume and request an application to:city_of_encinal@att.net